Surprise! Here’s How to Clean Your Mini Fridge

Surprise! Here's How to Clean Your Mini Fridge

How often do you clean your mini fridge? There’s a good chance that the answer is “not often enough.” After all, when it comes to our appliances, we so easily forget about those small details that help keep them running optimally.

We often only realize how important cleanliness is when our refrigerators start to smell less than fresh or, worse, stop working altogether. But there’s one way to get ahead of the game and extend the life of your mini fridge – by giving it a really thorough cleaning on a regular basis.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, either. In this article, we’ll show you a few simple steps to get your mini fridge looking sparkling-clean and ready for another round of use. Let’s get started.

Empty the Mini Fridge

Getting your mini fridge clean and germ-free is as easy as 1-2-3. First step? Empty it out. Before you start cleaning, you want to make sure nothing is left in the fridge. Take out all the food and liners, including any shelves and drawers.

Removing everything will also make it easier for you to spot anything suspicious, like any dirt or debris that might have accumulated in hidden places. Once everything is out, unplug the fridge and move it away from the wall for access to all sides. That’s the first step down—let’s go on to defrosting.

Unplug the Mini Fridge

Before you get to scrubbing, you’ll want to unplug the mini fridge. Most fridges have an “off” button, but unplugging it is still the only way to ensure that it’s off completely and not using any electrical power. Don’t worry too much—mini fridges are designed to last several days unplugged, depending on storage conditions. So if you can’t immediately attend to your mini fridge cleaning needs, you should have time for a quick clean-up.

You’ll also want to make sure that the mini fridge is defrosted for a full 24 hours before leaving it unplugged and that all of your items are removed from it first. This will help ensure that all of the liquid from thawing ice cubes has been removed and take away any potential messes after unplugging your mini fridge. With these steps out of the way, you’ll be ready for some sparkling cleanliness. 

Wipe Down the Exterior

Now it’s time for the exterior – let’s make it sparkle. As always, start with the least abrasive solution first, which is a mild solution of soap and warm water. Use a clean, soft cloth or microfiber cloth to give the outside of your mini fridge a good wipe-down.

If this doesn’t do the trick, you can turn to an all-purpose household cleaner or a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray your cloth with either and give the outside of your mini fridge another wipe-down, paying particular attention to handles and crevices.

To get rid of any remaining dirt or grime, you can go in with a 50/50 mix of bleach and water in a spray bottle or rag. Take extra care when using bleach, as it is strong stuff. Make sure you do an additional wipedown with clean water after this step to ensure that no residue is left behind.

Clean the Interior of the Mini Fridge

The next step is to clean the inside of your mini fridge. This is the part that needs regular cleaning, so don’t skip it.

Start by:

  1. Removing all your food and drinks from the fridge.
  2. Taking out all shelves and compartments and setting them aside in a safe place where they won’t get damaged.
  3. Wiping down the surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge to remove any built-up grime.
  4. Now it’s time to tackle the interior—to make your own cleaning solution, mix two tablespoons baking soda with one quart hot water in a spray bottle or bucket, then use a cloth or sponge to wipe down all surfaces of the fridge with this solution.
  5. Rinse off any remaining traces of baking soda with a clean cloth and water, then dry off with a soft towel or cloth before putting everything back in place.
  6. Lastly, don’t forget to sanitize. Make sure you use a solution of 1 tablespoon liquid bleach in 1 gallon of water (or whatever concentration is written on the package instructions) and wipe down all surfaces for extra disinfection—you’ll be glad you did once you open up your sparkling-clean mini fridge.

Deep Clean the Gaskets and Seals

Once you’ve given the inside and outside of your mini fridge a good scrub, it’s time to deep clean the gaskets and seals. This is where bacteria can really linger, so make sure you give these spots a good clean.

The good news is that this process is pretty simple. You have two main options for cleaning the gaskets:

  • Make a baking soda solution or use mild soap and water to get rid of any dirt or debris on the gaskets.
  • After you’ve wiped down the sealing surfaces, use a dry rag to ensure the area is totally dry before installing the gasket back onto your mini fridge.

Some things to keep in mind while cleaning are: avoid using chemicals such as bleach or degreaser as they could damage your fridges seals and minimally impact their performance over time. Also, make sure you take caution when applying pressure when wiping down the gaskets. Too much force can cause damage.

Put Everything Back and Plug In

Once everything is wiped down and your mini fridge is sparkle-clean, it’s time to put everything back in—but wait. Before plugging it in and turning it on, make sure that you lay the fridge horizontally. Lying your mini fridge on its side ensures that the mechanics inside are working properly and making sure there are no issues with it.

After setting it upright, you’re almost there. But before plugging it in, make sure to clean the compressor and condenser coils. This will help with energy efficiency and also provide a clean environment for your mini fridge when you turn it on.

When you’re ready to take a break from your mini-fridge cleaning session, make sure to turn the power off properly—this helps keep your refrigerator clean and safe until your next cleaning session.

Once everything is set, plug in the mini-fridge and enjoy its sparkling cleanliness.


With a few simple steps and some household supplies, you can now keep your mini fridge sparkling-clean and ready for use. Take the time to deep-clean the inside of your mini fridge every month or two, and don’t forget to wipe down and sanitize the exterior regularly too. Your mini fridge will thank you for the extra effort and you’ll be glad for the peace of mind knowing that your food is stored in a clean and hygienic environment. Plus, it never hurts to have a clean and tidy refrigerator.

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